Jimmy’s Community Resume


Traffic and Parking Board


West End Business Association (WEBA)


Holmes Run Civic Association



Alexandria Democratic Committee (ADC)

The ADC was the first organization Jimmy joined after arriving in Alexandria. Given Democratic activism in college lead him to City, he knew a few young ADC. Over the last decade-plus, Jimmy has assumed make leadership roles within the ADC including Lyles Crouch precinct captain, Beatley Library deputy precinct captain, and Deputy Vice Chair of Precinct Operations (West End/District C.) He and his husband, Trevor, remain active members.

LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia

In addition to his local volunteerism, Jimmy supports LGBT+ rights across Virginia as Vice Chair, Communications of the LGBT+ Democrats of Virginia. The organization is the Democratic Party of Virginia’s official LGBTQ+ caucus and supports pro-equality Democratic candidates across the Commonwealth.

Old Town North Partnership (OTNP)

Jimmy is a board member of OTNP which seeks to promote business and citizen engagement to support a thriving Old Town North neighborhood, the area in which Jimmy works. OTNP is famous for its events, including the weekly Farmers Market and Taste of North Old Town.

Alexandria Young Democrats

Jimmy has been a long-time member of the Alexandria Young Democrats. From participating in events and community services efforts to hosting parties and canvass kickoffs, Jimmy has worked with local progressive young people to foster the Young Democrats chapter at Alexandria City High School.

Virginia Young Democrats (VAYD)

Jimmy was elected VAYD President following the devastating 2016 election. During his tenure, the organization captured the progressive energy and activism of young people to contact 121,000 voters to help Democrats sweep the statewide offices and flip 15 House of Delegates. In 2023, he was awarded the organization’s highest honor - Young Democrat for Life - for his leadership of the organization.

Young Democrats of America (YDA)

After helping to elect the organization’s first-ever Black president, Atima Omara, Jimmy served as YDA’s Issue Advocacy Director leading the organizing political engagement on progressive legislation. We built a database of progressive model legislation for cities and states. We also re-established the organization’s Lobby Day after a 10-year hiatus.

Alexandria-Caen Sister City

Transportation Commission

Senior Congressional Staffer (2014-21)

Jimmy spent six and a half years working a senior staffer to Congresswomen Barbara Lee (CA) and Robin Kelly (IL.) Originally starting as communications director to Cong. Lee, Jimmy honed his skills on national security, poverty alleviation and public health policy. In a similar role and later Senior Policy Advisor to Cong. Kelly, he handled numerous issues including first-responders, science, environment, labor and park issues while supporting her leadership on gun violence prevention, maternal mortality prevention and health equity.

Access for All Committee


North Old Town Independent Citizens Association (NOTICe)



Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association

Baltimore-Washington Laborers’ District Council

“We are also excited to support Alyia Gaskins, Kirk McPike, Kevin Harris, and James Lewis who collectively will bring fresh ideas and a more worker-centric viewpoint to the Alexandria City Council.”