2021 Endorsements


Former Mayor Kerry Donley

“I'm glad to support James Lewis in his run for City Council. Having served with him on the Transportation Commission and several work groups, I know that he's committed to digging into policy and projects to move our City forward.”

Sheriff Dana Lawhorne

“As a lifelong Alexandrian, I'm proud to endorse James Lewis for City Council. I've worked with him on numerous issues to improve our quality of life in Alexandria. He is always the first person to reach out and propose the solution, then he works with the community to implement it. He worked tirelessly on resolving our neighborhood traffic problems and I know he will do the same to solve our flooding problems sooner rather than later.“

Alexandria Times

"James Lewis is the candidate the Times editorial board most strongly endorses. Though only 33, Lewis is mature and experienced beyond his years. Lewis has experience on city commissions, currently serving as vice chair of the Traffic and Parking Board. He has also served as an officer in an Alexandria civic association. We view both types of service as significant…”


Mary C. Harris

“It’s one thing to come with experience and a pack of plans for the city to do – we all have those. But it’s quite another to hear the pain points of residents and shop owners as our city changes and then make sure that all the people and ideas come together to make that pain go away. That’s what I heard from Jim Lewis and it’s what I’ve seen him do in North Old Town.”

Alexandrians United for Good Government

“We represent all areas of the city and have decades of experience in civic and non-profit engagement. We have come together to chart a new course for Alexandria.”

Yvonne Weight Callahan

“Lewis has demonstrated that he has spent a lot of time already learning about the city, and he has an immediate grasp of what is most important to all of us and how we want our future to look. He has a city-wide grasp of the most important issues, and he has already demonstrated to me anyway that he is taking a new and fresh look at all challenges we face today.”

Environmental Council of Alexandria

“We are pleased to announce our endorsement of your candidacy for Alexandria City Council. We gave careful consideration to each candidate who responded to our candidate questionnaire and selected the candidates who most closely shared our commitment to the environment and climate action.”


“We are pleased to announce our endorsement of your candidacy for Alexandria City Council. We gave careful consideration to each candidate who responded to our candidate questionnaire and selected the candidates who most closely shared our commitment to the environment and climate action.”

Sierra Club - Virginia Chapter

"James Lewis is policy director for a trade group. One of his environmental priorities is greener development, and he has detailed plans for reducing building greenhouse gas emissions, in part by retrofitting buildings rather than rebuilding, where possible. Lewis supports offering greater density in exchange for commitments that advance Alexandria’s green goals. He also is focused on preventing and mitigating flooding and preserving tree canopy."

Alexandria Committee of Police - ACOP/IUPA Local 5

“Your vision for Alexandria City mirrors that of our members: community policing; frequent and effective communication; transparent and ethical government.”

Alexandria Fire Fighters Inc. Local 2141 IAFF

“On behalf of the members of Alexandria Firefighters Inc. IAFF Local 2141, it is my privilege to inform you of our unanimous endorsement of you for Alexandria City Council. We have appreciated your support for public servants and their role in making for stronger and more thriving communities. Our membership believes that Alexandria will be stronger for all Alexandrians with your voice on the City Council.”

Virginia Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw (D-Alexandria/Fairfax/Falls Church)

“Since moving to Virginia, James has worked to elect Democrats and move our Commonwealth forward. From the Young Democrats to his work on the local infrastructure issues. he’s delivered results and will continue delivering productive results on the City Council.”

Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

“While still a new candidate, James Lewis has set himself apart from others in the race by addressing issues of major concern for workers, like wage theft, project labor agreements, and expanding apprenticeship programs through local workforce development. We are proud to endorse James Lewis and look forward to working with him and others on Council to advance workers’ rights and protections at the municipal level.”

Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689

Northern Virginia Labor Federation

"Northern Virginia Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, a coalition of 60 unions and 56,000 members in northern Virginia, is proud to endorse James Lewis for Alexandria City Council. His commitment to ensuring workers have a seat at the table and that all benefit from development will help ensure a brighter future for all.”

Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association

Baltimore-Washington Laborers’ District Council

“We are also excited to support Alyia Gaskins, Kirk McPike, Kevin Harris, and James Lewis who collectively will bring fresh ideas and a more worker-centric viewpoint to the Alexandria City Council.”

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314 Action Fund

314 Action Fund was created to elect more problem-solving scientists to public office. The Fund has an engaged grassroots network of over two million supporters working to promote scientific and data-driven policies.


Run for Something

Run for Something supports young, diverse and progressive candidates running in down-ballot races in order to build a bench for the future.


LGBTQ Victory Fund

For 28 years, Victory Fund has been changing the political landscape of America by electing LGBTQ+ leaders.