James Lewis for City Council

Alexandria Times - February 22, 2024

To the editor: 

Fellow Alexandrians, I write to endorse James Lewis for City Council. 

Jimmy was a ray of sunshine from the moment I met him at a West End Business Association networking event. He was truly interested in what I had to say. Even better, he was sincerely interested in solving tough problems. After a few events, it was clear that Lewis wasn’t only making a positive impression with me, but also engaging with every other business person. It was no surprise when he earned his role as vice president. 

Let’s face it, talk is very cheap. Jimmy isn’t just a great communicator. If you attend one of our meetings, you’ll catch him helping with small, thankless chores like setting out name tags or assembling our banner. He never runs out of energy. He’s always got a smile on his face. He never makes you feel small or whines that a task is beneath him. James Lewis is focused on doing the best he can with what he’s got. 

Last year, he had a great idea. He wanted to showcase West End businesses like mine. Jimmy didn’t just think about a cool event, he made it happen. Even more importantly, he ensured that the cost of entry was low enough so that anyone that wanted a spotlight on their business could participate. It was a resounding success. Hundreds of people were able to get to know dozens of small businesses in a carnival atmosphere. 

“Best of the West End” was born due to his initiative and follow through. 

Good ideas can come from anywhere, and Jimmy’s door is always open. He is truly inclusive. He’s also brave. We need someone on Council that is willing to stand up for the hard right over the easy wrong. Lewis is willing to find a way to forge a better future for all of us, regardless of our backgrounds. It might not happen overnight, but he will put in the hours it takes to make an idea reality. 

Jim spends just enough time in Richmond to move things forward back home. When he isn’t caring for the elderly, he’s penning op-eds. He wrote the Alexandria Times advocating for changing the way government does business by giving a leg up to the local guy. The House of Delegates passed this proposal 99-0 and it’s currently awaiting consideration by the Senate of Virginia. 

It’s exciting to think about how he’ll solve different problems around Alexandria. If you want positive change, please cast your vote for him on June 18. 

-Brooke Johnson, Alexandria 

Read the original column in the Alexandria Times.