Public Safety, Mental Health and Passion

June 13, 2024

Dear neighbors,

As you prepare to cast your ballot in the Democratic primary on June 18th, I wanted to reach out and share my endorsement of James "Jimmy" Lewis for City Council.

I have known Jimmy for many years through the Alexandria Democratic Committee but I've recently worked closely with him through my Community Advisory Board. The Board is designed to provide support, input and community oversight of my office and our operations, including the jail and courthouse.

From this experience with him, I'm endorsing Jimmy because of his commitment to three issues: public safety, mental health and the most vulnerable.

I've spent my entire career in law enforcement and seen Alexandria's best and worst. We need leaders who will continue to prioritize public safety so Alexandria can continue to thrive. While we have taken good and important steps, challenges exist, like our ongoing recruitment and retention challenges. We need leaders who will tackle them head-on!

Likewise, as a public safety official, I know how critical quality, accessible mental health services are to our community. Running the jail is one of my responsibilities as sheriff; too many residents are incarcerated because they have unmet mental health needs. Since launching his campaign, Jimmy has been talking about the need for an increased focus on mental health, especially addiction prevention and treatment programs, in our City. I couldn't agree more! Without these programs, my deputies and I will have more work; there will be more overcriminalization as the underlying mental health challenges remain unmet.

Finally, Jimmy thinks about the forgotten. As a member of my Advisory Board and in his 'day job,' Jimmy fights for expanded access to healthcare for the most vulnerable - including the incarcerated. With his experience and talents, he could do many other jobs and make more money, but he's devoted to ensuring the most vulnerable aren't overlooked. From helping to roll out the COVID-19 vaccines in nursing homes to setting up the opioid addiction treatment program in our jail, he puts people and their needs front and center.

Our City's incoming Council will have no shortage of challenges to face. We need leaders with the right priorities and passion to keep us moving forward.

Be sure and cast your ballot for Jimmy on or before June 18th. The early vote location (132 N Royal Street) is open today from 8a-7p. It's open again tomorrow and Saturday from 8a-5p. Your polling precinct will be open on Tuesday, June 18th from 6a-7p.


Sean Casey

Sheriff, Alexandria VA