Lewis Will Be a Voice for the West End

Alexandria Times - June 6, 2024

To the editor: 

As a long-time West End resident, I write to express my support of City Council candidate James “Jimmy” Lewis. Having closely followed his campaign, attended candidate forums and worked with Jimmy through the West End Business Association, I am convinced that he is the right choice to represent us.

He will be the independent voice that the West End and entire city needs. As a member of WEBA, I have seen how he delivers member services as our vice president. He creates a space for all voices and leads the group to consensus around the best, most actionable ideas. From organizing the Best of the West to celebrations with the federal Small Business Administration, you can count on Jimmy to make it a success.

As you cast your ballot during early voting until June 15 or on Election Day, June 18, I urge you to join me in supporting an independent voice for the West End: James “Jimmy” Lewis!

- Nancy Benjamin, Alexandria

Read the original column in the Alexandria Times